Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
Poligamy by mistake
have friends who have gotten married in Nevada. The male thought he got divorced from his first wife in 2002 in Utah,non contested, got married to his new wife in Vegas in 2002,a few weeks after his filing in Utah for divorce, just found out that his divorce in Utah was not finalized until 2004, what can he do to rectify this matter legally? He thought that when he files divorce papers with the courts he was free to marry another person, not thinking of the 90 day cooling off period, or the finalizing of a divorce infront of the judge.
What can he do to fix this? He wants to stay with his 2nd wife, hasn't been in contact with first in over 2 years.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Poligamy by mistake
Need to obtain an annulment of the second marriage as it is void as a matter of law. Then you can get remarried. You can get the annulment in Nevada without needing to appear in Court. You just need to show proof that the first marriage had not ended at the time of the second one.