Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
Protective order
My father does not like my boyfriend. My boyfriend is 19 years old and I am 16. I have been with him for 10 months. My dad is afraid that we are sextually active. He is verbaly and mentally abusive. He said that he is going to put a protective order on me and if he hears that my boyfriend is with me he will call the cops and have him served. My mom wants to divorse him, but is afraid of what he might do. What is a protective order? Can he do this? What can I do about this?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Protective order
A protective order is issued against a person who has or may be harmful to another. The most common protective orders are from wives against their abusive husbands, although they can be used other ways. Your father cannot get a protective order against you, since you are not a threat to anyone (assuming you do not threaten your father with violence.)
If your mother wants a divorce, she should seek help, There are battered women's shelters, legal aid - and she could get a protective order against her husband.
Be very very careful with your boyfriend. You are both way too young to be parents. Don't let the stress of your home life push you into a relationship with your boyfriend.
You should talk to a counselor at school or at your local community health facility.