Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
Rights to My Child.
I am 18 and he is 20. We have a 15 month old little girl. He is not on her Birth Certificate, No declatation of paternity or anything, he doesn't even pay child support. I want to change her last name to mine which they said i could do without him signing anything because he isnt on the birth certif? What rights does he have? She now has a loving, and supportive father figure in her life and we are getting married soon and i want him to have legal rights to her, not her so called ''father'' PLEASE HELP!
Asked on 8/11/08, 10:07 am
1 Answer from Attorneys
Alvin Lundgren
Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.
Re: Rights to My Child.
After you get married, your husband can file for a step parent adoption, and a name change with the courts.
You may call for a free consultation.
Answered on 8/11/08, 1:16 pm