Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
states custody
a 16 year old female in states custody who has been placed in foster care for last year and a half is on a 90 day home trial basis.she is still in states custody until judge releases her.she is 8 months she still covered by medicare since she is still in the states custody? her probation officer says that she isnt they just dropped her she was told.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: states custody
Talk to the medicare people. Generally until the order placing a minor in state custody is changed in writing the state custody continues. There are also a number of adoption agencies which will pay for medical care if the 16 year old sees the wisdom of placing the baby into a stable caring two parent home. (BEST CHOICE) Few 16 year old girls are emotionally, financially, or mature enough to handle the respsonsibilities and needs of a small child. The child deserves a two parent home.