Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
Unwed Custody
My boyfriend abandoned us when I told him I was pregnant and doesn't want to have a relationship with our daughter who is now 2. He is NOT on the birth certificate however I did have a paternity test done to establish child support. He is now threatening me to close the child support case. If I don't - he says he will try to obtain joint custody. Is this possible? Do I have sole custody now because he isn't on the birth certificate? (i live in Utah) Can he go and sign a birth cert w/o my knowledge or being there?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Unwed Custody
I wouldn't worry about his threats and intimidation. There is no way any court would award him custody at this point in time. He can't go in and simply put his name on the birth certificate and until he or you file a formal paternity action in the district court, you have sole custody. If you have established paternity through ORS, he is required to pay the ordered child support amount and you shouldn't be closing the case.