Legal Question in Family Law in Utah
X trying to change my baby's name.
My x-husband left when I was 2 months pregnant and is now in the deployed with the navy. When I had my baby; I left my x off the birth certificate completely and gave him my last name. This isn't my maiden name but my name from a previous marriage. I did this because I have 2 kids from a previous marriage and I wanted us all to have the same name.
I decided to enforce child support with the states help, but to get back at me for that he is taking me to court to try and force me to change my baby's last name to his. He has never even seen my baby. This seems so rediculous. My question is, should I even worry about this. Is any Judge really going to make me do that? Thanks for your help.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: X trying to change my baby's name.
The decision of the last name of the baby is up to the judge. You will have to argue that it is in the best interests of the child. If you want your ex to pay child support, why should he not have some rights in the child? If you were only 2 months pregnant, he might not have know about the child. You may want to reconsider allowing your ex to be a father. Fathers are hard to come by for children, and children need fathers. You should encourage your ex to be a father to the child, and maybe to the other two children as well. Think about the needs of the children - they do better with two parents, regardless of how wonderful one of them is.