Legal Question in Personal Injury in Utah

TacoBell food too hot

I ate a chalupa from Tacobell and it burned the roof of my mouth so badly that it made it bleed. My doctor said it is just a 1st degree burn but it still aches and hurts even 5 days later. Do I even have a case against them to reimburse me for time missed at work?

Asked on 1/23/06, 4:57 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Alvin Lundgren Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.

Re: TacoBell food too hot

Yes, however, you will have to prove that the food caused the injury and the amount of your damages, including medical and lost work. More likely than not Taco Time will work with you to pay your expenses, so let them know immediately of your injury. IF they do not, you can sue them for your damages.

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Answered on 1/23/06, 5:00 pm

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