Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Utah
intent to foreclose
we have a promissory note that the borrower quit paying on and we would like to send him a Notice of Intention to Foreclose, I am using a form from this web site and was wondering if that would be okay to use.
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: intent to foreclose
Although I am a regular contributor to this site, by answering questions on California law, I know little or nothing about LawGuru's sideline of selling legal forms. I can say, however, that most states, probably including Utah, have very tight rules as to how foreclosures must be handled, with the intention of protecting borrowers from inadvertent or fraudulent loss of their homes by foreclosure. Therefore, I would caution you to very sure any form you get from whatever source is the one that is right for Utah, and to fill it out and serve and/or record it in strict accordance with Utah's law. That would suggest using a Utah attorney or a Utah-based foreclosure service.
Re: intent to foreclose
The attorneys responding to questions have no way to know which form you selected.