Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Utah
Notice of lien on defult
I've recieved a notice of a lien in defult and they want to sell my property to get their money. What do I do to prevent sell.
Asked on 4/08/07, 5:44 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Alvin Lundgren
Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.
Re: Notice of lien on defult
If a lien has been filed against your property, and a notice of intent to sell, then you will have to pay the lien amount or risk the sale of your property. If you do not have much equity (difference in what you owe and the amount the house will sell for) in your property, it may be only a threat to make you pay. Since there is a judgment against you, it would be wise to make arrangements to pay the debt. If you can pay a lump sum in one payment, they make take less.
Answered on 4/08/07, 10:30 pm