Legal Question in Sexual Harassment in Utah

My friends and i are being accused.

My friends and i went to a girls house and hung out with her. we took a picture of her breast. She was laughing while we did it and wasn't resisting it seriously. 2 days later an older guy was giving us a ride and we wanted to brag to him so we showed him the picture. He knew the girl and told her friends parents that we did that and also the friends parents that we did it to her daughter too. He is making up a lot of untrue stories and threatening to take us to court. Can he do that? If so what is the worst fine and punishment we can get.



Asked on 1/17/06, 9:58 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Alvin Lundgren Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.

Re: My friends and i are being accused.

One would hope that they take you to court for your immature and inappropriate behavior. You may understand someday when you have children. Although the girl may not have objected to you taking the photo, she did not give you permission to flaunt it in front of her friends, family or the world. She can sue you for invasion of privacy. If she is a minor, her parents can sue you, and you may also be at risk for criminal prosecution for abuse of a minor. I suggest that you destroy the photo and all copies, give profuse apologies, and never do such a thing again.

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Answered on 1/18/06, 10:51 am

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