Legal Question in Disability Law in Virginia

fired for having cancer

I was fired after 15 years employment because I have been unable to work since fighting breast cancer for the past year. I was given no warning and the HR director that made the decision to fire me is herself on sick leave. I feel discriminated because of my illness and race in this case. Can someone tell me if it's legal to be fired for being sick? thanks

Asked on 8/16/07, 7:27 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: fired for having cancer

In an employment-at-will jurisdicition such as the Commonwealth of Virginia, an employee, working without the benefit of a contract, can be terminated for almost any reason and at any time which doesn't violate federal anti-discrimination laws, including, just being sick.

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Answered on 8/17/07, 8:37 am

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