Legal Question in Business Law in Virginia

Being Fired from a job

I am trying to figure out if i have any legal re-course to sue my employer who fired me Friday Jan. 5th 2007, They informed me i was fired 15 Min. before i was to get off work and never gave a definitive answer as to why i was being fired. If they were down sizing i had more seniority than anyone else in my position. I also was being allowed to work from home which they never gave as a reason either. So i guess my question is are they allowed to do this and if they are not can they have some reprocussion for doing so?

Asked on 1/06/07, 9:40 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Being Fired from a job

Although it is impossible to say with any certainty, the situation you describe indicates possible violations of the law.

As a general matter, an employer in Tennessee can fire you for good, bad or no reason at all. However, you may not be fired for an illegal reason. Illegal reasons are generally rooted in discrimination or retaliation. You may want to consult with an attorney to determine if any of your rights have been violated and what, if anything, can be done about it.

My practice is devoted to helping employees across the country (but primarily in Tennessee) who have been fired for an illegal reason or who are being subject some illegal employment practice. For more information about illegal employment practices, you can visit my website at

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Answered on 1/08/07, 10:43 am

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