Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in Virginia

Roomate for month or less trashes house and steals

I had a roomate that lived with me in the house im renting for about a month. The roomate was never given a set amount of money to pay for rent but aggreed to pay 200 a month. I asked the roomate to move out and a week later while no one was at my house the roomate went into the house took her stuff out, trashed my house, and stole some of the things that were mine. Things like a antique dresser (my moms), dvds, clothes, and possibly more. I called the cops that night and they came, but since the dresser is my moms it is up to her whether or not charges are drawn. Is there anything I can do personally about this or is trashing my house and taking my stuff completely legal since she lived here for a short period of time?

Asked on 11/02/06, 11:36 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Stone Law Offices of Michael B. Stone Toll Free 1-855-USE-MIKE

Re: Roomate for month or less trashes house and steals

Two words: Security Deposit.

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Answered on 11/02/06, 11:47 pm

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