Legal Question in Constitutional Law in Virginia


It is my understanding that a judge can be removed from office for being influenced or for being mentally incapable of ruling, is this true and are there other reasons judges can be dismissed from judicial obligation.

Asked on 9/17/07, 10:01 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: judges

Sure, any number of them, including requiring a female plaintiff to drop her pants in a Virginia courtroom, ostensibly to give the judge a better view of a knife wound that had supposedly been inflicted on the woman's upper thigh.

This judge was recently removed from his judgeship and he's now appealing the matter before the Virginia Supreme Court. (See In Re Schull---the name of the case now before Virginia's highest court.)

Around 1977 there was another Virginia

judge removed from the bench when it was determined that he had removed contraband alcohol that had been seized by Commonwealth liquour agents that was an exhibit for the prosecution in an ongoing trial before him to his judicial chambers where he consumed it.

According to records, the only other Virginia judge removed in the 20th Century for misconduct happened around 1908 or so and involved a judge who allegedly horsewhipped a preacher. (I don't have all of the more engaging details on this one.)

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Answered on 9/18/07, 1:29 am

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