Legal Question in Consumer Law in Virginia

My daughter & son n law bought a vehicle with him as the primary and her the cosigner. They have now divorced and she was awarded the vehicle in the divorce. She recently went to renew the registration and was told that her exhusband declared the vehicle as nonrepairable and she can not get a new tag. She is the one that has made all the payments on this vehicle which is still ongoing and now they are telling her oh well, sorry, nothing we can do. She still owes on the truck but she will never be able to get a tag for it which makes it useless. This truck is the only vehicle she has to transport her and her daughter and it has never been non repairable and I don;t understand how this can be allowed. Can you please tell me where she stands legally on this issue and if there is something that can be done?

Asked on 9/22/09, 2:17 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

The exhusband should be sent written notice that he must withdraw his claim of nonrepairability with the DMV and sign his ownership interest in the vehicle over to your daughter as required under the terms of the divorce. And, that if he fails to do so (by a date certain), action will be taken to have him brought back to court on a Rule to Show Cause) as to why he should not be found in contempt of the divorce court's order and suitably sanctioned.

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Answered on 9/27/09, 2:37 pm

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