Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Virginia

Appointment Cancellation Debt Collection

Is it legal for dentist to pursue collections for $75 for a ''missed appointment.'' They claim a scheduled appointment was missed without 24-hour notice, but we were not aware of any appointment being made. Dental office never contacted us to ''remind'' us of the upcoming appointment, so, of course, no one appeared for the appointment or cancelled the appointment because we did not KNOW about the appointment. Now they are sending us to collection agency. Is this legal? What should we do? Would rather pay than have harrassing calls/letters/bad mark on credit report, but then again don't want to pay for services not rendered. Is there a statute of limitations we can wait out? Would they actually ''take us to court'' over such a small amount??

Asked on 3/26/09, 1:32 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Appointment Cancellation Debt Collection

If you don't wish to pay for a dental service which you never requested, then you should begin NOW to make a written record of your non-responsibility for it by sending a written notice to the dental office which issued the bill clearly and firmly explaining why you do not consider yourself responsible for this particular bill(and, perhaps, intimating that if the matter is pressed, you may be taking your dental business elsewhere).

Keep several copies of this letter for your record, and if the matter is ever referred to a collection agency, then you can send a further denial with a copy of your letter to the dentist and a request for proof of the debt (to be provided within 30 days).

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Answered on 3/27/09, 11:00 am

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