Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Virginia

Auto Repairs

I live in a small town where bartering for services is typical. I had some auto repairs done, over the course of several years under this bartering principle. No work orders or invoices are signed by me, but now the person that did the repairs is sending me an outrageous bill for services some of which date back 2-3 years, claiming he will take legal action if not paid. I can't prove or disprove the work was performed and as far as I can see neither can he, again none of these invoices are signed by me and as far as the trades, for instance I traded a 20X20 storage building at one point for the work performed. What recourse do I have? The service provider also does a lot of work ''for cash'' I assume to prevent reporting on his end. These services were all oral contracts, cash transactions and bartering. Can he sue me for services without my signature on these repair invoices? My biggest concern is again that this is a small town and ths service provider would be part of the local ''good ol boy network''---Feel like I am being railroaded!

Asked on 5/26/09, 8:27 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Auto Repairs

Yes, of course it's possible you're ("being railroaded") by the powers that be in small town/county Virginia, but, yes, the repairman can certainly sue you for the services described. However, whether or not your adversary will be able to prove his case against you to the satisfaction of the court hearing the matter, is quite another issue, entirely.

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Answered on 5/28/09, 10:13 am

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