Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Virginia

My father-in-law lived by himself in PA. When he got sick he was admitted to the hospital. As soon as they could they placed him in a nursing home. He is unable to take care of himself . They gave him 6 to 8 months to live. No one in PA would help him out. They just left him there to die. They gave him six to 8 months to live. My husband and I live in Virginia and was driving to PA every other week. I have power of attorny for him. When he was able to travel I went to pick him up and placed him in a home down here. He was there for 31 days and is now living with my husband am me. He is doing Great!!! and will probably out live us all. He will never be able to live alone. His house in PA is unlivable and should be condemed. We desided to keep him here with us. I'm trying to get his Medicare transfered to VA and I'm having no luck. They say since he has a house in PA he doesn't qualify. Now the nursing home is sueing him for payment of their services. He doesn't have the money to pay for it. What will happen if he can't pay them? Will I be responsable for them since I am his power of attorney?

Asked on 11/12/09, 4:37 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

You should arrange for a consultation with an attorney who handles Elder Care law and Social Security Benefit matters/issues and, in particular, those related to Medicare and Medicaid and who should be able to advise you on this particular issue.

You cannot be held responsible for any of the debts of your father-in-law because of the POA.

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Answered on 11/17/09, 5:51 pm

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