Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Virginia
Old Judgement - garnishment
I recieved a garnishment summons on an employee. The original judgement date is from 1984. An amount exceeding the original judgement amount has already been paid on this judgement. The employee has been steadily employed by us for 3 years and for 9 years at his previous job. He says he thought this had been paid off it full years ago - and has had no collection attempt since then. He was able to obtain a mortgage within the last couple of years and this did not show on his credit report.Can someone hold a judgement for so long letting nearly $3000 in interest accrue and then try to collect? what are my employees options?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Old Judgement - garnishment
Interest continues to accrue, and a judgment is good for 20 years. Failure to actively enforce does not affect its validity. If there is a question as to the balance, that can be challenged; in any event, you have to honor the garnishment.