Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Virginia

I was mislead by a credit repair company. They said they could increase my credit by 50 to 100 points in 3 months. Three months after they began the process, one creditor sent my account to court for a judgement, others sold my account to other creditors. When I sent this information to the credit repair company they said that i could pay it or let it default to judgement. I was not happy with the response I wrote the a letter explaining my unhappyness and asked them to cancel and nolonger work on my credit. They made the account inactive and then a year later they started again. I sent an email asking them to stop and that i canceled. After three months they sent an email stating my contract was up and . Then sent me and called me stating that i owed a balance and they would be sending my account to collection. What can i do?

Asked on 11/02/09, 6:02 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Collect your records showing when you first cancelled their services and then send them written notice of these cancellations and that you will contest any attempt on their part to collect for services that had been cancelled, were not wanted nor in fact ever competently performed.

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Answered on 11/08/09, 10:20 am

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