Legal Question in Criminal Law in Virginia

Bad Check

My brother wrote a bad check to have his car repaired. The check was returned NSF. He received a warrent for his arrest and the police officer told him to take care of the check immediately. The next day he went to the garage and paid for the check plus the return check fees. Now he has the returned check and has made good on the debt. He called the courts in Campbell County and told them he had made good on his debt but they told him he would still have to appear in court since this was a criminal matter.

What does he need to do when he goes to court. He told the judge he did not have an attorney since the debt had been taken care of but he is unsure as to whether they will just dismiss the case or continue to prosecute him for the NSF check. Does he need to take the check to the judge? What does he need to do?

Asked on 8/19/03, 8:51 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Bad Check

Your brother needs to be appear at the scheduled hearing and bring proof that the bill has been taken care of. When he arrives at the courthouse, he should seek out the assistant commonwealth's attorney assigned to the matter

and show this person his proof of payment(actual receipt from car repair shop showing payment received)and give his account of the transaction affirming that all of this was a result of an oversight on his part and was in no way intentional.

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Answered on 8/20/03, 9:57 am

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