Legal Question in Criminal Law in Virginia

Father of son holding him.Drug charges after setup by father

I was currently indicted and charged on false charges that had been said to have been done by the father of my 3yr old son. With my only witness gone and father having several family members w/in court system i have been found guilty. He now refuses to allow me to see our son even after a regular schedule of exchange that was being followed until the father decided to write a hand written document upon my latest arrival to exchange our son. i of course refused to sign w/out my current lawyer present. he refused the exchange. it is now going on three weeks w/out seeing of conversing w/ our son. As u can tell i not only need help w/ custody issues. My criminal lawyer was not at all thorough in my case. he had a murder trial the weeks following my trial so therefore my trial was given little to no attention. Due to my lack of knowledge of the court systems b/c of not ever being in any trouble what so ever i was told per my lawyer that the facts alone would be enough. since my witness had fled and my lawyer never mentioned it in court. the witness did however contact and talk to both local authorities and my lawyer. Now that the current situation has went from bad to worse the father is setting forth stipulations aided by his attorne

Asked on 6/25/08, 5:01 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Father of son holding him.Drug charges after setup by father

Perhaps, you should change lawyers, obtaining one who is knowledgeable and experienced in the criminal as well as the domestic relation laws of the Commonwealth.

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Answered on 6/25/08, 10:56 am

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