Legal Question in Criminal Law in Virginia

Jurisdiction/Place: USA - Virginia


This past weekend, my friends and I went down to Virginia to visit other friends at James Madison U. Saturday night, one of my friends and I walked out of a party right into a cop. He said he needs to see some identification and asked if we were under 21. We are both 20 years old and I turn 21 this Friday, yes six days after this event. But we did comply and gave him our licenses. He wrote down the wrong addresses and had one non legible number for my license. He also said we both live in VA and my drivers license state was VA, but he crossed that out and put pa. We are both from Pennsylvania. We've never been to VA and do not plan on going back. We got a court summons and a court date in late april. Is there any way to somehow get out of going to court and get out of going back to VA at all? This is our first offenses ever.

Asked on 3/23/10, 8:09 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

As you've been previously informed, you will need to appear

in the Virginia court in which you've been charged in order to

contest/settle these charges (alleged violations of the Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Act) or the court will likely enter a default judgment against each of you who fail to appear.

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Answered on 3/28/10, 8:18 am

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