Legal Question in Criminal Law in Virginia

Lawyer and Judge Misconduct

1. What are the guidelines and duties of a lawyer in regards to represent their client? What law or code is it written under?

2.What are the duties of a judge in regards to judging a case? What law code is this written under?

3.If a lawyer does not perform his duties properly, what can be done? Who can you contact to complain & under what law is it written?

4.If a judge judge you unjustly and unfairly, what can be done? Who can you contact to complain & under what law is this written?

5.Under what Amendment, Constitutional or Human Rights are these violations under?

6.How can a defendant who's been poorly represented, unjustly convicted have a new trial and under what laws in regards to these violations?


Asked on 11/14/06, 4:55 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Carlos Gonzalez Gonzalez Legal Associates PLLC

Re: Lawyer and Judge Misconduct

The standard for a new trial is VERY HIGH, there has to have been a error which would otherwise have had a serious impact on your innocence in the original case. Minor error does not suffice for a new trial.

Please feel free to contact my offcie regarding this matter. 2127098303

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Answered on 11/19/06, 8:57 pm

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