Legal Question in Criminal Law in Virginia

lewd or indecent text message punishment


I was recently served a warrant for my arrest for text messaging. I had broekn up with a former girlfriend and we had been in contact with each other via text message for a few years. Recently i sent her a text and we got into an argument she called me a few names and ended up calling her a few names, (racial slurs and such). In my states this is now considered a class 1 misdemenor. I hate to say this, but i daid the stuff there for i am guilty, but should i fight this because she also cussed at me, and what kind of penalty should i expect? i am just very worried. thik this i dumb, but im in a heap of trouble.

Asked on 2/03/09, 9:39 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jonathon Moseley Moseley & Associates Law Firm

Re: lewd or indecent text message punishment

I think that you should fight it, because if you take it to a jury, the fact that both sides were engaging in the same discussion would probably work strongly in your favor.

You will need to see if you can get complete transcripts of all text messages from your cell phone company.

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Answered on 2/03/09, 2:46 pm

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