Legal Question in Criminal Law in Virginia

Missing Propery & refusal to return property what should I do?

Last Saturday the 29th of July. An item of mine turned up missing. The only person that had it was a friend of mine, he was supposed to plug it up and leave it there (its an expensive game system) he did not. Two hours after he left I went to go play it and it's not there. No one was there but him and I. It couldn't have walked away. The next problem is not knowing that the first game system was missing. I let him hold my personal play station. He was supposed to bring it back sunday since we were going out. He never showed or called. His phone is now disc. He calls me and acts like nothing happend. I keep asking him to return the 2nd game system, he won't. He lies and says he will and then I don't hear from him. Since I can't contact him I called his brother and asked him to tell him to call me. He called me being really eradic and upset that I called his brother using profanity. He now only calls me from blocked telephone numbers. I keep asking for my property and he will not return it and the answer to the first missing/stolen game lies in him. How can I get my property back? Can I file a police report for this? This could be larceny by trick? Its been a week should I wait longer? Property is about $500 worth

Asked on 8/05/06, 5:30 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Missing Propery & refusal to return property what should I do?

You may wish to file what's called a warrant in detinue in the general district court asking for the return of your property and, in the alternative, if for some reason the property is not returnable to you, a judgment against the withholder of the property in the amount of its fair market value.

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Answered on 8/05/06, 9:29 am

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