Legal Question in Criminal Law in Virginia

postal investagation

I live in VA Beach and theres a postal inspector calling from Baltimore trying to get me to admit I sent harrassing mail. Do I have to keep talking to him?

Asked on 1/21/09, 6:19 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jonathon Moseley Moseley & Associates Law Firm

Re: postal investagation

You should not talk to him.

If you make a false statement, you could be charged with making a false statement, separate from the original offense. Remember that is what happened to Martha Stewart. She was charged with lying ABOUT an inside trader stock sale, not with the actual sale.

There is also the danger -- always -- that you will be charged with what the inspector THINKS you said or chooses to remember, not what you ACTUALLY said.

So I would tell him "IF you think I did something wrong, then I guess I had better not talk to you about it under the Fifth Amendment. Sorry."

One of the biggest lies ever told by the government is "If you just come clean (or cooperate) it will go easier on you (or you can get this behind you)."

Police and investigators are allowed to lie, and one of the biggest lies they tell you is to persuade you that you will get leniency if you cooperate or tell them what happened.

That is almost never true. They tend to throw the book at people who are EASY to prosecute, because you admitted it, and not go after the tough cases.

Obviously, you should get the advice and assistance of a lawyer.

While it sounds like a minor thing, people can get in big trouble over minor things. So better be safe than sorry.

Let me know if I can help or others here can help.

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Answered on 1/21/09, 8:06 pm

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