Legal Question in Criminal Law in Virginia

Is this for real?

I have a neighbor that is causing my entire family great distress. He started out just cursing through the fence. Then coming to our house and doing it to our faces. We reported to the police, which only aggravated him. He then began filing false claims of various nature with CPS. Then moved to filing false police reports and arrest warrants. He consistantly goes past our house from 3-10 times a day. We even have him on video peeping into our windows from a ladder in his yard. It has now even escalated to assault and battery. The police ''can't do anything he's just being a nuisance''. The magistrates won't even file criminal charges because they ''are tired of this tit for tat neighborhood dispute''. Our children are now scared to play outside alone even at school. What can I do, we have ignored it and that only causes him to make up encounters and more false criminal charges. We are at our wits end.

Asked on 11/05/08, 4:26 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Cary Moseley Law Office of Cary Powell Moseley, PLLC

Re: Is this for real?

He does not sound very neighborly. If you can't kill him with kindness, you may need to consult an attorney about any claims you may have against this guy. I would be happy to talk to you if you have other questions or need a referral. My email is below. Good luck.

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Answered on 11/05/08, 4:52 pm

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