Legal Question in Criminal Law in Virginia

Seisure of Property

In July of 2002 my son was driving my RV. He ran from police. The RV was impounded. Those charges were nole processed, and he has been charged Federaly with Drug and gun violation. The RV is titled to me. I have never been served with anything, for them to keep or release. The Cops working on federal drug charges say it is tobe released, they have told me this since last Dec. I get a run around from Town, county, state,and federal. WHat can I do. The charges are over $5000.00 now and going up daily. AM I responsible for the charges, even though I was never called or give written notice of impound. The only notice give was verbal to the people holding the RV, and that was verbale the day it was bought in. Nothing is on paper. What can I do. My son is paying his time, why are they punishing me, and is this legal. Limited funds here, son has taken it all for his defence.I dont want this to go on my credit, if The impound yard decides to go after me for the fees. Help please.

Asked on 8/21/03, 9:19 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Seisure of Property

I would suggest that at the very least you arrange for a consultation with an attorney familiar with federal drug prosecutions and the applicable law and procedures governing the seizure and forfeiture by fedral authorities of collateral associated with the contraband drugs.

This person should be able to assist you in recovering your impounded vehicle.

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Answered on 8/22/03, 12:21 am

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