Legal Question in Criminal Law in Virginia

sex crimes

I want to know how can I get this off my record I'm a truck driver and now I can't get a job with this on my record and can I sue the el.paso county this broke up me and my wife and I got two kids in college and I can help my daughter pay for college, because I can't make the money to help heror my son. I serve my country in the US Army I was in the desert strom. I really do need some help. Thank you for your time.

Asked on 11/05/08, 11:51 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: sex crimes

The record for a felony sex crime conviction in the Commonwealth of Virginia is not expungable unless the defendant can prove that he was wrongfully convicted and has consequently received a pardon from the governor. (See Va Code Sec. 19.2-392.2 et seq.)

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Answered on 11/05/08, 11:54 am
Cary Moseley Law Office of Cary Powell Moseley, PLLC

Re: sex crimes

Its possible, but this process is quite difficult, time-consuming and expensive.

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Answered on 11/05/08, 12:06 pm

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