Legal Question in Criminal Law in Virginia
simple assult
i need information on simple assult charges
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: simple assult
Simple assault is also classified as a
so-called lesser included offense in the crime of assault and battery and might be found to have occured by the trier of fact when no battery(unprivileged touching or contact of victim)had actually occurred but that the victim was nevertheless put in fear by the conduct of the defendant aggressor.
A conviction for simple assault would carry the same penalty as a conviction for assault and battery.
Re: simple assult
Simple assault is generally referred to as assault and battery or "A&B" in the Commonwealth and is classified as a Class 1 misdemeanor offense, meaning that it carries as a penalty if a fine
of up to $2500 or a possible jail term of up to 12 months, either or both for a defendant convicted of this offesne.
A first time offender convicted of this offense will normally receive either the disposition known as SIS (Suspended Imposition of Sentence) or simply a suspended sentence with no jail time imposed along with a term of probation and the payment of court costs.
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