Legal Question in DUI Law in Virginia

New Car Accident

My friend who is the main driver of his car was intoxicated and kept asking me to drive. I said no twice but when he asked me the third time to drive i said yes. I was sober. We were driving home and my friend who is responsible for the car jumps to the front seat and startles me. I loose control of the car and do about a 360 and hit the car in the guard rail. The alignment of the car is messed up, am I held responsible for fixing the car?

Asked on 3/12/07, 11:21 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: New Car Accident

The law would ask in this circumstance who or what was the proximate(or legal) cause of the accident: your friend(under the influence of Mr. Jack Daniel's)jumping into the front seat,

thereby startling you amd causing you to lose control and crash the vehicle, or you who should have maintained control of the vehicle even under this disconcerting circumstance in the passenger seat? I would conclude that your friend was mostly responsible for this mishap, stimulated by alcohol(and who knows what else)into irresponsible acts which were mainly the cause of the accident. Consequently, he should bear most, if not all, the cost of repairing the damage which he caused.

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Answered on 3/12/07, 11:46 pm

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