Drunk in Public with No Proof
I was arrested for drunk in public with no BAC or field sobriety test. I was sitting in my car, calling a friend to pick me up after going out last night. I was upset and crying, and my keys were on the seat next to me. An officer said she couldn't understand me trough my tears, and I smelled like alcohol. I was pulled out of the car, and handcuffed. What is the law, and do I have a case?
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Drunk in Public with No Proof
More information would be needed in order to
make a credible determination as to whether this particular officer had what the law calls probable cause (or reasonable suspicion) to place you under arrest under the circumstance which you've described.
My understanding is that one can no longer be sentenced to jail for a so called DIP (Drunk in Public) charge but, of course, as your situation illustrates, arrest on such a charge is till very
much an option for law enforcement authorities.
You give no indication as to how your case was disposed of, i.e., whether you were required to pay a fine, or whether you were later simply released without being formally charged with anything nor having to pay a fine. The answer to this question would very likely have a bearing on the answer to your last question.
Re: Drunk in Public with No Proof
I should have added that to effect a valid arrest for a DIP charge, it is not necessary for the arresting officer to have performed either a BAC test nor a field sobriety test on the defendant and that she or he is entitled to rely on personal observations for such an arrest.