Legal Question in DUI Law in Virginia

Who pays in wronful death.

As my father gets older he is drinking alcohol more and more. Unfortunately sometimes he drives the 3 mile drive from his work to his home while drunk. We have tried many things to discourage this behavior but it still continues.

My question is. If he were to have an accident and kill or injure someone, who is responsible to pay the victims? Will his the insurance company pay anything? My dad is about to retire, could his life savings be taken from him?

Thank you.

Asked on 1/22/02, 11:03 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Who pays in wronful death.

Yes, indeed, your father's life savings could be taken from him if he were sued by the injured party and had a sizeable judgment entered against him, and ,yes, there could be a clause in his auto insurance policy that would allow the insurance carrier to escape from having to pay

for damages caused by your father's driving while

intoxicated or impaired by alcohol.

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Answered on 1/22/02, 6:32 pm

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