serving time on the weekend
My son was caught on two occassion in six weeks was a .09, if he gets in-house help is there any hope he will be able to serve time on the weekends. it was the same Police Officer and we are trying to combine these two charges. Has time been served on a weekend allowed in va or does the law forbid that. Is in house treatment better than attending school and AAA meetings, what would look more favourable in va
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: serving time on the weekend
Want to help your son? GET HIM A LAWYER
Re: serving time on the weekend
If your son has been charged with DUI two times within a six week period, then he's obviously violated the terms of his release on the first charge.
How all of this will go down in the particular jurisdiction which is handlling these cases(including the answers to your particular questions) is an issue which you should take up with the lawyer which your son will need to represent him in this obviously problematical matter.