Legal Question in Family Law in Virginia

Child Neglect/Abandonment

18 yr old girl got pregnant. after baby was born, the father moved to GA & has nothing to do with the baby. The mother is neglectful to the baby and is considering giving up for adoption but father wont let her. they have joint custody but she didnt file for child support. She lives in a car part of the time and goes from house to house for days at a time. she calls me and asks me to watch baby for a little and doesnt come back for 6 days or more with no phone calls. I have been caring for this child like he is my own and i want to adopt him. he is now 6 mths old. people have told me that she hits him, calls him names, etc..& when she gives him to me, he usually has no diapers, wipes, formula etc... I purchase everything for him. what can i do to adopt him if anything?

Asked on 12/23/07, 4:08 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Child Neglect/Abandonment

Having not bothered to clarify your relationshop to the child and assuming that you are in no way related, my answer to your question as to what you can do to adopt him would have to be not much, unless the child's father and mother would be willing to agree to it which would not appear to be the case, at least with respect to the father.

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Answered on 12/24/07, 1:15 am

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