Legal Question in Family Law in Virginia
What can I do about child suport charging me money for my son being locked up and I don`t have a job they froze my bank account suspended my drivers licence I owe a total of 765 dollars I have 565 of that but they told me I need 130 dollars a month after paying them that 565 and they no I don`t have a job what can I do and my child is 18 years of age
Asked on 2/08/11, 2:12 pm
2 Answers from Attorneys
Michael Hendrickson
Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson
If you mean the state child support enforcement agency, DCSE, probably,
not much at all, if you've already attempted to negotiate with them---other
than to pay it----whenever you can.
Answered on 2/09/11, 6:49 am
sheryl shane
sheryl shane, attorney at law
Use your credit card to obtain monies to start paying. Good luck. Attorney Sheryl Shane.
Answered on 2/10/11, 4:54 pm