Legal Question in Family Law in Virginia
definition of child support
I have son 17 yrs old son and he ask me what really is the definition of child support , hes father told him I should save money for him during 13 yrs so he can buy a car or something else .
I appreciate if I can have better answer for him, because when I exsplain to him seem like he didin`t understand very well.Thank you
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: definition of child support
Child support is intended to pay for the costs of the child's necessities of life such as food, housing, education, and medical care. And, no, if it is even necesary to further explain, the principles underlying the concept of child support have nothing to do with buying the intended recipient of such support a car, or even a Game Boy, for that matter.
Hope this 17 year old man-child finally gets it.