Legal Question in Family Law in Virginia

Divorce and house payment

My husband is a police officer & has put his hands on me(grabbed, choked,threw stuff @ me,pushed me across the floor,punched holes in furniture & picked me up by neck) more than once.I can't live in our house anymore-I'm moving out.How do I get my name off of house so that I am no longer responsible & also because he refuses to sell it.Been there only 9 mos.We have 4 kids in this mix.He refuses to move out so that means I can't stay so I have to move. I can't afford to pay bills for this house and a new place of my own.He's always bullying me cause he works for the Governor of our state saying he knows this person and that and these people can take my kids away and file fake charges against me.I am an elementary teacher, I don't know too much about the law like he does.He is very controlling with every aspect of my life.Physically and mentally I can not take it anymore.I have lost so much weight and I am on meds for depression.I know I should file charges against him, was told that when cops came to my house after he smashed my work laptop for the third time.I need to know my options.He won't let me have my direct deposit sent to my personal account, said he will get me on family hardship?Please advise me as best as u can...


Asked on 7/28/08, 5:45 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Divorce and house payment

You should arrange for a consultation with an attorney in your area who is competent and appropriately experienced in the domestic relations laws of the Commonwealth and who should be able to advise you, accordingly, regarding your particular situation.

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Answered on 7/29/08, 10:55 am

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