Legal Question in Family Law in Virginia
i live in virginia and have legal custody of my granddaguther she is three years old and has been with me sine birth her mom adn dad told me last week they want me to adopt h er and they cant afford her and plus they live with my son girlfriend dad in a trale and it not a great place and they dont work and no income so i hav disbilty and othe rchecks for working before and i also was told tat once she is adopted i wllget her put in my ceck i lvie in a house with her and me and y other son and she been with me sicne birth can i just do paprwork and do it with out hiring a lwayer since they dont ant to fight it or nothing i cant afford a lawyer so hoepfuly ican do this without hiring one
1 Answer from Attorneys
No, you can't "just do the paperwork" to accomplish correctly the adoption of a live human being; in this case, apparently, your granddaughter.
Better see one of the low cost legal services providers in your area to
determine whether you can qualify for the assistance of one of their
attorneys who knows something about correctly handling adoption matters in the Commonwealth.