Legal Question in Family Law in Virginia
I've been married 20 years. We have no children and he has never paid anything on our house ar land we live togeather but not as husband and wife I want to sell the house and land and move on he does not. I told him he could finish paying for the house if he would give me the downpayment I paid on it he does not want to do that he had rather let the house go back I need to know how to get out of this and move on?
1 Answer from Attorneys
If he won't agree and both names are on it, you should retain an attorney to help you do this in a divorce proceeding. His being unreasonable and disagreeable will not help him in the divorce. Letting the house "go back" (I assume you mean foreclosure) is not a good solution as it could destroy your credit. Feel free to call if you need further help or a referral. Good luck.