Legal Question in Family Law in Virginia
I am a natural us citizen. I pay child support for a child that was born and lives in peru. I have not seen my son once. He is almost 4. The mother went through the american embassy there and got child support filed for me to pay in the state of VA where I work for the gov, and not a resident of. But my son lives in peru. dont I have to pay for the child in the state in which he lives? She wont use the money to fly here to see me, she is being uncooperative to help me build a relationship with my son and yes, we had a DNA test done and he is mine. I would like to lower the child support amount to be able to fly down there and spend time with him. no, we do not have custody arrangements and I have not filed paperwork for him being a US citizen nor collect taxes for him. Can I get the child support lowered by filing joint custody or was the state of VA in legal rights to enforce the child support amount? What would I have to do to be the custodial parent?
I am lost and dumbfounded. I can be a good father but I feel sorry for my son to live so far away and that wasnt my choice. I want to do the right thing, but I cant get over the hurdle called the mother-whom I was never married to. what am i going to do?
1 Answer from Attorneys
If you are paying the support through DCSE(Division of Child Support Enforcement), you could contact the nearest local district office to arrange for an appointment to discuss a review of your support and to determine whether it might be reduced.