Legal Question in Family Law in Virginia

public visitation

My ex has demanded that I meet him for wkend visit w/our son at the local police dept for pickup/drop off. There's no ct order stating this requirement. I have sole custody of our son. He's angry b/c I've filed charges on him for nonpmt of child suppt. He in turned filed charges on me stating that I don't allow him 2 see our son. His charges are false - I have proof. I feel mtg him at the police station is not good for our 6yr old. The 1st time I gave in and went there, our son asked a lot of confusing questions - he thought he had done something wrong. That broke my heart. Up until recently he's always pick our son up from the home. I do not want to play this game with him, and hurt my son. Ive offered 2 meet in a public place eventhough it's not ct ordered. We've waited at a 7-11 store twice, but he won't come there. He keeps demanding that we go 2 the station. If I don't go to the pricinct, will it look bad on me in ct since he's filed these false charges about visitation? If he's believed, can I be found in contempt and sent 2 jail? I dont want to take my son the pricinct - I don't want to hurt him and cause him any confusion. I want him to see his dad - I feel my ex is using him. do i have 2 play this game?

Asked on 5/14/04, 2:41 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: public visitation

Not only are you under no requirement to use the police station as a drop off point for your son,

but under the circumstances which you've described it would appear to be a generally bad idea to do so.

And, no, by refusing to agree to this generally bad idea, you are in no way putting yourself in jeopardy of being found in contempt.

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Answered on 5/15/04, 10:47 am

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