Legal Question in Family Law in Virginia
relinquishing my parental rights or divorcing my child
My daughter will be 17 in august & I have tried everything possible through the courts to help my daughter with no real luck. She stays with her mother and has been to court twice for habitual truancy other issues. I have been through counseling and asked for custody but, every time I've either heard ''the records show'' that child does better off with the mother. And she has tainted my child some how where she doesn't want to spend time with me & says very nasty things like I'm dead to her & I never been there for her but, when it comes to money they know how call me for that. I know that I only have a year left till she's 18 but, I hurt, sick and tired, and just want to be done with all the hate her mother instills in her. Can I relinquish my parental rights & and can I stop paying child support if I do
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: relinquishing my parental rights or divorcing my child
No, very unlikely that any Virginia court would approve of a termination of parental rights under the circumstances which you've described (in my opinion).