Legal Question in Family Law in Virginia

What are my rights as a father????

My husband is in a situation where his ex has truned his 4 r old son against him. When he calls him on the phone he doesnt want to talk. She denies him visitation because he is remarried and has another son on the way. They have joint legal custody. What can he do to help his chances in court as far as custody? Can he record phone conversations? Is that legal in Virginia?

Asked on 6/15/04, 2:02 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: What are my rights as a father????

If your husband is having problems with getting

his rightful visitation with his son, he can petition the court for a hearing on the matter.

Forget about taping phone conversations unless the person on the other end has given her permission. However, these conversations, if relevant to the issue of your husband's visitation, can (and should) be documented in writing and preserved as possible future evidence.

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Answered on 6/15/04, 9:35 am

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