Legal Question in Family Law in Virginia

I have a summons on January 25th for not paying lawyer fee on payment plan. I was suppuse to pay $150.00 bie weekly until it is all paid. I have made $900.00 and could not pay it after that. I was taken to court and was sentenced for 30 days. That was on July of 2010. After getting out of jail I lost my second job because of being in jail. I cant still make a regular payment. The one job i have is used to paying child support and for my living expenses. My plan is to barrow $2000.00 and pay it before the summons. My qustion is am I going to jail even after paying the lump sum amount? Please help!!

Asked on 1/06/11, 8:38 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

It's unclear from your question as to why you would be going to jail

in the first place, supposedly, "for not paying lawyer fee on payment plan". People who can't pay their civilly incurred debts(with the exception of child support) are normally not put in jail.

Nevertheless, if you come up with and pay the $2K you claim you owe (whatever it's for) before the scheduled hearing, that should be sufficient to keep you out of the local slammer.

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Answered on 1/11/11, 12:26 pm

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