Legal Question in Family Law in Virginia

visitation out of state

I currently have visitation set for my child at my sole discretion in the state of Va. The father of my child has recently showed an interest in being a part of her life and has gone as far as to say that he is filing for joint custody and joint visitation so we will have her 50/50 he is a Fl resident I know this is unlikely due to my child's special needs. He demanded that I give her to him for 3 weeks and that I can pick her up when he is done visiting with her. That is obviously not acceptable to me and I exercized my rights to say no. I do want to allow him to be a part of her life, but at this time don't trust him due to the demands he has made I feel he may try and keep her. I offered for him to visit with her with me present during my Labor day vacation down there he denied and said I will not be present for his visits.. This seems fishy to me.. If we do go to court for visitation would me denying him visitation effect my chances of maintaining sole custody and visitation at my discretion? again my child has special needs and I He refuses to address them, but I don't want her to be left alone with him until a judge orders otherwise..

Asked on 7/23/08, 5:41 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: visitation out of state

This question has already been recently presented to and recently answered at least once before in this forum, and nothing offered in this most recent version would appear to require any different response than what was given before.

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Answered on 7/27/08, 1:42 am

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