Legal Question in Family Law in Virginia
warrant in detinue & no trespass letter
daughter & son n law live wit me. s.i.l. moves out comes back 2 times to get belongings. he takes things not his, mine. gave him letter of no tresspass. threatens & harrasses me & wife coming back to get things. serves us with warrant in detinue. if he got all things that were his 2 times & wife gave him other items on seperate occasions how can he sue for his marital property if belonging to both and sue me for those items. no seperation papers filed.
Asked on 7/22/08, 3:32 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Michael Hendrickson
Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson
Re: warrant in detinue & no trespass letter
When you appear for your hearing on the Warrant in Detinue, you can raise these questions and related issues with the court in your defense.
Answered on 7/29/08, 3:26 pm