Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Virginia
False testimony given to collect monies via Child Support Agencies
Can a garnishment be collected from a individual if the individual said individual is recieving funds from Common Wealth of Virginia Social Services and has no other income? Can a individuals funds be garnished through the Virginia Social Services?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: False testimony given to collect monies via Child Support Agencies
If you're referring to temporary public assistance benefits which a parent is receiving in behalf of a child or children fromm the Va. Dept of Social Services, the answer is ,no, these monies are not subjec to garnishment, for reasons which should be obvious.
However, the Division of Child Support Enforcement
(DCSE)which is part of the Va. Dept. of Social Services is legally empowered to issue its own administrative garnishments to collect delinquent child support or to make requests to similar agencies located in other states to issue such garnishments against the wages of individuals living there who owe back child support to
parents with children residing in Virginia.