Legal Question in Insurance Law in Virginia

Car rental coverage

i was involved in a car accident not a fault. The insuance company said that they would cover all charges and never told me there was a limit of days on the car was in shop for 73 so i had the rental for that amount of time. The ajuster never told me anything and did not even keep in touch with me on consistant bases. Now i got charged for the extra days over 15 days.

Asked on 12/22/06, 2:54 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Car rental coverage

You should send written notice to the insurance adjuster and explain what happened and that if the rest of the rental days are not covered by the carrier as (apparently) promised, you will have no alternative but to sue their client in small claims court for the difference. Send a copy to the client(the person at fault).

If the funds are not forthcoming from the carrier, then proceed to file your claim in small claims court for these

extra rental days which you would contend are part of your recoverable damages from this accident.

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Answered on 12/23/06, 8:35 am

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